Since April 15, 2022, in order to create favorable conditions for the development of knowledge and skills, professional training of women throughout Uzbekistan, the national Center for Socio-Economic Development "SABR" and 13 SO NGO of Uzbekistan are implementing a comprehensive program with the financial support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
“Sharh va tahlil” ko’rsatuvi. XOTIN-QIZLAR BANDLIGINI TA'MINLASH - MUHIM MASALA “ SABR” Respublika ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy rivojlanish markazining Samarqand viloyati Urgut tumanda tashkil etilgan Qishloq axborot-resurs markazi faoliyati haqida reportaj.
The main goal of the events in Samarkand is to create a platform for the exchange of experience, knowledge and ideas, comparison of various strategies and approaches that can be used to form a "learning society" in the country, which requires first the creation of "learning territories" - regions, cities, villages, mahallas, organizations and represents the most important measure that is needed in response to global challenges.
On May 11, 2022 the 2nd roundtable was held in the city of Andijan on “Socio-economic Support to Improve the quality of life of rural women and youth affected by the COVID-19 pandemic”. The event was held within the project financed by the European Union “Strengthening institutional and organizational capacity of NGOs to respond to the impact of COVID-19 on most vulnerable women and youth in rural areas of Uzbekistan and improve their socio-economic situation”.
Start-up grants ceremony was organized by Republican Center for Social and Economic Development SABR within the project financed by the European Union "Strengthening institutional and organizational capacity of NGOs to respond to the impacts of COVID-19 on most vulnerable women and youth in rural areas of Uzbekistan and improve their socio-economic situation”.